
Being patient while there are things you want to do is nonsense
Don’t look away, listen to your own voice
That mind of yours that says “Because those around me do it” is trash
Can you be satisfied being the same as others?

That palpitation in your breath; don’t ignore it, don’t waste it

Penetrate through the endless impulses
Your eyes, your legs, they’re not just for decoration, right?
Don’t conceal that violent throbbing that continually beats
Being afraid is something for after you’ve stepped forward; RUN

This world is full of people with dying eyes who have been too repressed
Don’t look away, understand the truth of the present
Getting dressed up and failing to expose your feelings is boring....it’s stupid.
‘Cause I’m not wishing to show off

The form that you’ve noticed you want; don’t cover it, don’t contaminate it

When those piercing eyes of yours have seized the light
Your tone will take back its seriousness
When those hands, with sword raised, breaks yourself free
You’ll become one who shines in truth
So look here; RUN

It’s time to put an end to hesitation; I don’t want to hear any excuses

Penetrate through the endless impulses
Your eyes, your legs, they’re not just for decoration, right?
Don’t conceal that violent throbbing that continually beats
Being afraid is something for after you’ve stepped forward; RUN